Submissive Behavior vs. Submissive Identity dominance submission Jul 16, 2023

Submission can take the form of behaviors. Often, these are tasks, commands, and activities that the submissive partner is given by the Dominant, for a variety of reasons. 

These reasons often include giving her ways to show her obedience, training her to behave in the way that the Dominant...

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D/s Is Not Always BDSM dominance submission Jul 14, 2023

Let’s break down one of the biggest misconceptions in this lifestyle. 

Being in a Dominant/submissive relationship DOES NOT mean that you have to be into any specific sexual acts associated with BDSM. 

I believe that this association is the root cause of why we hear so many people...

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A Day In Dawn’s Life As A 24/7 Submissive dominance submission Jul 14, 2023

I would like to thank one of our Instagram followers for the inspiration for this post! In a comment, she asked:

I’m interested in the knitty gritty details of how you use your authority, and specific tasks and scenarios in which you tell her exactly what to do. Do you tell her what to...

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Use Your Dominance To Improve Your Submissive's Life dominance Jul 14, 2023

The ability to have anything you want from your submissive is intoxicating. It’s a thrill knowing that, within established limits, you can have anything you want from her, at any time. 

And chances are, she will enjoy giving it to you and gain a sense of pleasure and fulfillment from...

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Perfectionism and Submission dominance submission Jul 14, 2023

Dawn has used the term “perfectionist” to describe herself, and its something I’ve worked very hard to help her let go of. 

“Perfectionist” is a label that she gave herself, or a label that someone gave her when she was young, that she took on and made a part of...

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