
Infinite Devotion

Courses & Programs

Self Study Courses

Submissive Foundations

Learn how you can approach submission from a foundation of self respect, self love, and trust. 

5 hours of prerecorded content, with practices and lessons to help you incorporate healthy submission into your life.

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Becoming A Dominant Man

Learn how to approach Dominance from a place of groundedness, strength, and calm confidence. 

This course leads you through the 12 Steps to Dominance, with over 20 hours of prerecorded instruction and weekly livestreams with Andrew.

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Living Surrendered

An instant replay of our live workshop, teaching women about what it really takes to let go and surrender to life.

This workshop includes over 3 hours of on demand video, including a replay of the Q&A session that we did with the live attendees.

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Structuring Your D/s Dynamic

This self study course walks you together through a step by step process, led by the Dominant, to build a contract, rules, rituals, and more.

Suitable for both new and established couples, this guide starts with your REAL LIFE and builds a dynamic that suits your reality and makes space for both of your needs and desires.

Coming September 2024 - Join The Waitlist



Once per year, we sit down with a group of individuals and couples who are devoted to living in the depth and truth of Devotional Dominance & submission...and teach them everything we know. 

This 6 month course includes calls and live interactions with Andrew & Dawn as you learn and integrate. 

Learn More & Join The Waitlist


Communion is a 6 month group coaching container, showing feminine women how to come into deep embodiment and authenticity. Helping you ACTUALLY connect to your body, for real.

This course includes weekly calls and practices, where Andrew guides you and Dawn shares her reflections and heart. 

Learn More & Join The Waitlist

1-1 Mentorship/Coaching

For those who are ready to go deep, work with us 1-1. We work with a limited number of individuals and couples at a time, so that we can offer you the deepest support and guidance. 

We offer individual 1-1 sessions, or 12 & 24 session mentorship packages for ongoing support. 

Learn More & Apply for Mentorship