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The Art & Practice of Devotional Dominance & submission

Enrollment for Rapture is currently closed

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Stuck between two worlds?


The desire to experience the passion and intensity of Dominance & submission can leave you feeling like you're stuck.

On one side, the desire for the passion and intensity of D/s.

On the other, the need for love and safety. 

On one side, the knowing that to lead, or to follow feels absolutely right.

On the other, shame, fear, and guilt about those desires. 

On one side, fulfillment of your physical needs and desires. 

On the other, fulfillment of your emotional needs and desires. 

Do I have to choose?


All of what you desire might seem to require that you must sacrifice something else you need.

Leaving you feeling like you have to choose. 

Do I give up my desire to experience D/s so I can have safety and love?

Or do I sacrifice comfort and intimacy so I can experience the intensity and passion I crave?  


You can have both.

Dominant/submissive dynamics can exist inside of happy, healthy, loving relationships. 

You can have the intensity AND the safety. 

You can experience D/s while being free from guilt, shame, and fear. 

You can have your physical AND emotional needs met. 

We call this Devotional Dominance & submission.

It's what we have worked to build together, and it's what we're here to share with you in Rapture.





We created Rapture as a tribute to the loving D/s relationship that we share.

And as a guide for those who wish to follow the path that we've walked. 

We will show you what it takes to truly live a happy, healthy, loving relationship that weaves the passion and intensity of power exchange and D/s into your everyday experience. 

What is Rapture?


Rapture consists of 8 live teaching modules, 2-3 hours each, over a 3 month period. 

In each teaching call, we go deep into a different aspect of Devotional D/s, and what it takes to integrate it into your everyday life. 

All of these calls are recorded and available for playback, in case you miss one of the livestream teachings. 


Each teaching call gives opportunities to ask questions and share your experiences. 

3 additional Counsel Calls are held throughout the time frame of the course, with the sole purpose of providing support, clarification, and additional input on your questions and personal integrations. 


You're not alone in wanting to live these power exchange dynamics inside of a loving relationship. 

Walking through Rapture with other individuals and couples who are on their own path of Devotional D/s gives you an opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. 

And to experience community with others on the same path as you. 

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Devotional D/s is a life lived together:

  •  With Full Authenticity
  •  Without Resentment
  •  In Deep Polarity
  •  Open and Vulnerable
  •  Transcending the Past
  •  In Full Integrity
  •  Spiritually Connected
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We're Andrew & Dawn.

Since 2018, we have been living as a 24/7 Dominant/submissive couple.

When Andrew originally asked Dawn to be his submissive, her response was...what is that? 

Andrew had a long held, but very suppressed, desire to explore D/s dynamics, and after 8 years of vanilla marriage, he introduced this dynamic to Dawn, and she followed him into it. 

We've worked HARD to make D/s work for us, and in the process, it's bought us closer to each other and brought back the passion and intensity that had long since faded in our marriage. 

Rapture is the space where, once per year, we teach the concepts and principles that we've learned in our journey together. The full A-Z of what it takes to live these power exchange dynamics with love and intimacy. 

We hope you'll join us for Rapture 2024.

"Rapture made the relationship of my dreams come true. My husband and I have connected in a way that I only dreamed about because of what we learned here."

Submissive Participant from Rapture 2023

"After over 20 years of trying to figure out how to have both passion and closeness, Rapture made it possible for us in just three months."

Dominant Participant from Rapture 2023

"What I learned here has completely changed how I relate to and connect to potential partners in the dating world. It feels like anything is possible for me now."

Single Submissive Participant from Rapture 2023


In Rapture, you will be pushed to your limits.

Brought to confront the truth within your soul.

So you can stand face to face with the patterns that have kept you needing to choose between love and Eros.

You will also be given direction and tools to heal these patterns.

So that you can transcend them and go deep with your partner, or the partner you will find yourself finally open and available to attract.

No more scratching the surface.

No more pointing fingers, waiting for someone else to go first.

No more choosing intimacy or intensity.

Rapture is for those who want to go deep. To live and love truly free of shame, resentment, and hiding. With the passion that can only be created when man and woman, masculine and feminine, live in alignment with their true nature. 

Join Us Next Time

Enrollments for Rapture are currently closed...enter your information to be notified when we open the next round of this transformational course.