Wear the Collar and Wear it Proudly!

submission Jul 14, 2023

When Andrew first asked me to be his submissive, I was a little surprised.  My only experience with this was reading the 50 Shades of Gray books.  He was very careful and deliberate in his explanation of what a Dom/sub relationship meant to him, and how it was different than what I’d read.  He wanted me to understand the depth of what he was asking of me.  I was quite intrigued after that conversation.  

Andrew didn’t expect an immediate answer from me.  He was willing to give me all the time I needed to contemplate what I was committing to.  He understood how my mind works ,so he was patient.  

When I commit to something, I commit 100%.  Therefore, I like having a good understanding of what I’m committing to.  I spent a lot of time pondering what it would be like.  I asked Andrew plenty of questions.  But, I realized that I could never fully understand what this relationship dynamic would actually be like until I was in it.  I also knew it would evolve and grow as we would continue to both individually and together as well.  

I trusted, respected, and admired Andrew so much as my husband.  He has been the most influential person in my life.    A man that has always seen who I am at my core, and has loved me for who I am, not what I do.  I have experienced a life with him that I never could have imagined.  So, I decided that my answer was YES!  

By this point, it was around 30 days after he had asked me that life changing question. So he was pretty anxious for my answer! I won’t ever forget the level of relief that I saw on his face when I told him that my answer to his question was YES!  YES I would be his submissive!  He was beyond thrilled.  

Then we started our quest for what my collar would be.  That was a decision that we made together with his direction.  We chose the stainless steel collar from eternity collars as it was classy, yet simple and something I could wear 24/7.  


I wear it during my workouts without a problem.  

The only time it comes off is when Sir cleans it, I get a massage, or I wear one of the other two collars he gave me as well; one is a black leather collar and one is a beautiful red lace collar.  I know that one is displayed in some of our photos as well.  It’s gorgeous! I love it so much! 

At first, I was somewhat paranoid about wearing the collar 24/7.  

Would I get questioned? 

Would anyone know what it was? 

Would anyone judge me if they knew what it was? 

I eventually realized that those negative thoughts were stemming from fear.  I decided that I wouldn’t give way to those fears, but rather OWN IT.  After all, I was PROUD to be Sir’s submissive.  I also realized that most people where I live actually had no idea what it was.  And, the times that someone actually DID know, I was complimented with a, “Nice collar,” or a “I like your collar.” 

About 6 months into this D/s relationship,  I received an anonymous text from someone that knew me quite well after she saw the collar around my neck.  The text, after verifying it was me, said “Are you a submissive? I’ve wanted to be for so long.”   I was actually quite shocked.  But, I admitted to this person exactly what it was.  I exchanged messages with her for several months without ever figuring out who it actually was.  It was actually quite helpful for me because at that point, I hadn’t talked to anyone about the relationship.  But, she noticed the amazing marriage that I had and craved it for herself as well.  That helped me feel a little more bold in wearing my collar.  

It’s been just over two year now of wearing this collar. 

I have been asked a handful of times:

“Is that for balance?”  

“Is that a necklace?” 

When I would get questions like that, I would most of the time just respond with something like, “Yes, it’s a necklace.” 

No one else needed to know exactly what it was and why I wore it.  I don’t owe anyone an explanation for what I do.  

Sir would tell me quite often that more women actually want what I have than what I realized.  A man to care for them, love them, take charge, caress them, and make their life easier.  Yep, I love all those things.  And by now I realize how true his statement really is.  

What my collar means to me:

It means I CHOOSE to SUBMIT. 

It means I AM OWNED, by Sir.  

It’s a symbol of my DEVOTION to my Sir. 





My COMMITMENT to trusting him to lead me to a life that is beyond what I can even imagine; a place that holds the deepest connection of love and passion beyond what words can describe.  

He deserves my BEST.

He deserves my ALL. 

And, I am beyond PROUD to be the one to be HIS submissive.  

If you are proud to be owned, 

proud to be loved, 

proud to be cherished, 

proud to be taken care of, 

proud to be respected, 

proud to be admired, etc…….


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