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Living Surrendered

A watch-on-demand workshop and Q&A session for submissive women learning to let go of control


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Living Surrendered

A workshop for submissive women learning to let go of control

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Submission is more than just forced obedience. 

We learned this the hard way, when we started working to integrate D/s dynamics into our formerly vanilla marriage. 

We realized that in order for Dawn's submission to be and feel real to her, she couldn't just force herself to obey. All that did was leave her feeling resentful. 

What she realized was that she didn't have any idea how to let go of control, because she had been forced to be in control for her whole life. 

Between the programming she absorbed in her childhood, traumatic experiences with men, life as a single mother, and more...

She had a whole lifetime of experience telling her it wasn't safe to let go.

And no matter how much she wanted to, she just continued to get stuck in her head and her spinning thoughts. 

Hi, I'm Dawn! 

Over the last 5 years, I've been living as a 24/7 submissive with my husband. Through his leadership, I've learned how to let go of control, get out of my constant overthinking, and learn to actually relax and enjoy the freedom of submission. 

Together, my Sir and I taught this workshop for some of our Instagram followers, and because of how big of a difference it made for them, we decided to make the recording available to you. 

It's hard to believe that over 1,000 women have watched this! I hope that you'll be the next to have your life changed by this powerful video workshop! 

Is Living Surrendered For You? 

This workshop won't be right for everyone.

This is for people who want their submission to feel valued and authentic. 

If you're just looking for bedroom D/s dynamics, you don't need this. 

But if you want to be able to get out of your head, learn to let go of control, and what it really takes to be able to find the safety to follow a trusted Dominant's lead...

This is just what you've been seeking. 


Watch Living Surrendered Now!

A Sample From The Workshop


What Will You Learn? 

Tools for overcoming overthinking.

Over 90 minutes of teaching content on how to let go of control, so submission can be healthy and authentic

A replay of the Q&A session, so you can learn from the questions asked by other participants.

Purchase and Watch Now!

Don't just take our word for it.

Since we originally recorded this workshop, THOUSANDS of women have had their lives impacted by it.

It has been so potent for some women that they've sent us testimonials like this: 

Yes, this is long, but if this doesn't convince you that this workshop is what you need, nothing will! 


Shooey, this workshop was a much-needed education for me.

I come from a lot of trauma, and my relationships reflected it. At 40, I was in a bad marriage staying home with two little kids. I was lucky to have a catalyst event in my life to shock me out of the abuse system I was in, leaving me as a single mom starting a small business to support myself. I spent 8 years working on untangling things with trauma therapy and I’ve learned a lot. I came to a place where I was ready to date, but I was strongly attracted to very unhealthy relationship dynamics. I was a fawner, an expert people pleaser, abandoning my needs on a hair trigger, most comfortable with Narcissists. These things needed to change.

This is when I began following Andrew and Dawn’s work. Their ideas and explanations have such great insight and clarity, I benefited from everything I read. I was beginning to understand my craving for dominance and how to be a part of that dynamic in a healthy way. This is really exciting for me. I really wanted to learn how to have a healthy love with a dominant man, so I took their Surrender workshop. Just writing that brings a sparkling smile to my face and big love to my heart. I love myself so much more now after the Surrender workshop. Andrew and Dawn do a super great job of presenting each element needed to truly understand the concept, sharing personal examples and thorough lists to help me see the pattern they are identifying. I took so many notes and watched it more than once. Each viewing brings a new level of growth because they cover so much information. It is all presented in such digestible and relatable ways, I was constantly nodding in realization. It was very exciting, validating, and comforting to watch. They talk about things I’ve never heard before, but also things I’ve covered in therapy- AND they gave me new ways to see it and apply it.

The workshop is organized so well, flowing to the next topic after being made ready by the previous. I felt ready for each new realization they present. The content is on point. Their understanding of trauma and its manifestations is aligned with what I learn in trauma therapy, and they assemble it in a way that helps me see how to be a whole, full woman- personally, as a mom, as a partner, and as a business owner. The power of surrendering and how to pursue it. I am so happy to have these tools in my head. I feel beautiful when I use them.

Their explanation of masculine energy helps me so much in my role as a single mom and business owner. I can optimize my energy now, focusing on my feminine strength and supporting the necessary masculine traits I have to keep my life on track. I am finally learning how to identify and ask for my needs because they framed it in a way that seems like a huge asset. Just another example of how this workshop instantly reframed my thinking.

And in dating, I have changed overnight. Shooey. I can’t thank you enough, Andrew and Dawn, for the change you’ve given me in how I approach men and dating. I was a fawner. Huge. I knew it was unattractive but it was an unstoppable drive and I didn’t know how else to relate to men and show them my value (lol). I can’t describe the height of my relief to learn from you that: in receiving, I am loving. I want to sing a song about how receiving is love. It is the happiest realization for me. I share it with my kids and I see it in my work and life, too. I have had a couple of dates and I didn’t do any fawning, which was amazing, and it allowed me to see the date more objectively and act in my best interest, everybody having a lovely time (and the men finding me authentically attractive!) I can’t believe that I suddenly have the power of confidence and pride with a new man all from essentially calming down. I just didn't know how. Receiving to love is my favorite practice out of the Surrender workshop… for now.

Thank you, Andrew and Dawn, for assembling the elements of this concept of surrendering and presenting them so well and accessibly. I am so happy to be working on refocusing my energy to support this change in me, it all feels so good and calming. For the first time in my life, I can see myself as a whole, valuable woman, not the awkward girl trying to be seen. I needed this workshop to help me get there, I can't wait for where it takes me next (surrender:) Thank you so much for this beautiful and invaluable education about my inherent value and how to begin letting go and pursuing my authentic self. This is the most beautiful path. What a gift.

Watch Living Surrendered Now!