Infinite Devotion's Guide To Devotional Dom/sub Relationships

What we've learned about loving, healthy, passionate power exchange in over five years as a 24/7 D/s married couple.

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Five years of lessons learned the hard way.  


Devotional Dominance & submission is what we call our relationship. It's not some "50 Shades" roleplay. 

Andrew leads with Dominance, and an open heart. No need to be a jerk or domineering jackass to have his way. 

Dawn follows with complete surrender, and full self acceptance and emotional expression. Never a doormat or helpless victim, but rather a treasured jewel to be taken care of and protected for her value. 

Through this relationship, we have both found a deep strength within ourselves through vulnerability and a willingness to follow the truth. 

It has led us to a connection that is deep and powerful, and we're proud to share what we've learned in this free guide. 

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What's Inside?

Dealing with Fear

Why words like Dominant and submissive carry such a charge, and how to overcome that fear. 

What We've Learned

Living 24/7 D/s for 5 years, with a commitment to love, authenticity, and integrity has taught us a lot. 

Messages from Andrew & Dawn

Hear from each of us, what it takes to live these power exchange dynamics in loving, healthy ways together. 

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Rapture 2024

The Art and Practice of Devotional D/s 


Once per year, we teach EVERYTHING we've learned and come to understand about how to structure, build, and live a loving D/s dynamic inside of a healthy relationship. 

Over three months and eight livestream teaching modules, we give you everything you need to know, and that you need to think about, to do this right. 

We also host several live Q&A sessions to go deeper into your individual questions. 

Learn more about Rapture and join us. Click the button below. 

Space is limited, and fills up quickly each year, so don't delay.

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Infinite Devotion's Guide To Devotional Dom/sub Relationships

What we've learned about loving, healthy, passionate power exchange in over five years as a 24/7 D/s married couple.

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