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Becoming a Dominant Man

Unlock your authentic Dominant self

A structured, step by step program to transform you into the strong, grounded, Dominant man you were always meant to be. 

And become the kind of man who women submit to naturally.  

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If you're struggling with feeling  Dominant while staying connected to your kind heart, 

You're not alone. 

I've been there. 

I've tried to fake it 'til I made it, putting on an act that felt forced and inauthentic. 

The problem was, I was trying to play a role. I was doing Dominant things, but I didn't FEEL Dominant, and my wife's submission didn't feel authentic to me either. 

That's when I realized that to truly be Dominant, it's something that I had to BECOME, not just something that I could DO.

It was only when I started to do the work to become Dominant on the INSIDE that I started seeing the results I wanted in my life and relationship. 

And I believe that every man has an authentic Dominance at his core. And unlocking it requires that he go inward. 

It's the hard path, but that's what makes it real. 

It's also something that doesn't come naturally for us as men. We want to solve things externally. But if we want it to be real, we have to make it real on the inside. 

Becoming a Dominant Man will show you how to make Dominance real for yourself, following the path I developed for myself.  

This same process has made me into a man who thousands of women look to as an example of what is possible for a man to become...

What can it do for you? 


In 2018, I asked my wife to be my submissive. She put on a collar, and we began our journey into D/s. 

But even though I was a Dom, I didn't feel Dominant. 

My life was showing me all sorts of ways that I was weak. I was too soft in some ways...too hard in others. 

I recognized that I needed to become a better version of myself. I wanted to BE a Dominant man. Not just a copycat Christian Grey. 

To do that, I needed to become the most authentically strong and powerful version of ME. 

Without losing my heart. 

What You'll Learn Inside:

Becoming a Dominant Man

In this course, you'll be guided through the 12 Steps to Dominance. 

A step by step process you can follow to grow into the strongest, most confident, most Dominant version of your own authentic self. 

Not just a man who plays a Dom role in the bedroom...

But a man who feels Dominant because he IS Dominant. On the inside.

I will guide you through the process I've taken myself through. The same principles I teach men in 1-1 coaching programs that cost thousands of dollars, and that have made me into a man who thousands of women look to as an ideal of heart centered loving Dominance. 

And while you work through these steps, I will be live every Wednesday morning offering counsel and teaching points to help you on your own journey. 

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This course is an honest path that every man can follow to become, and live, as a truly Dominant man in every respect.

Because you don't just want a woman to get on her knees for you out of obligation. If she does that, it might feel good for a moment, but deep down you know she's just performing. 

What you really want is deeper than that. You want to be worshipped. You want to be adored. You want to be admired. 

You don't just want her to kneel...you want her to FEEL a certain way about you. 

The 12 Steps to Dominance, the process I teach you in this course, will show you how to become the man that makes women feel submissive towards. The kind of man she admires, adores, and worships. 

Because it will show you how to be Dominant on every level.

Physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally.

If you follow this course's process, you WILL become the most Dominant version of yourself. 

Enough with the soft, nice guy approach. That only comes across as being manipulative. 

And enough with trying to become overly rigid and forceful. She sees right through that too. 

Become the kind of man who radiates Dominance as a way of being, by embodying it at the level of your very soul. 

Join Becoming A Dominant Man today. 

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It all starts with

Taking complete responsibility for your life

If you want her to trust you, you have to have full and complete trust in yourself. If you're not in control of yourself, she'll never be able to give up control to you. 

Without taking complete responsibility, you'll feel weak. She'll feel dropped. 

Overcoming this is easier said than done. You have a lot of practice at doing things a certain way.

I developed the 12 Steps to Dominance as a path for my own growth, as I worked to embody a powerful, loving Dominance in my own life. 

Now you can follow the same path I did, as a guide to "doing the work" in a way that connects you with your deepest, most authentic masculinity. 

Become A Dominant Man


Or 4 Payments of $100

  • Access the 12 Steps to Dominance with video guidance and instruction
  • Learn to inspire women's submission, rather than commanding or forcing it (aka...how to be Dominant AND kind at the same time)
  • Become Dominant as a way of being in your every day life, not just a role you play in the bedroom
  • Truly feel the awe and admiration of women for the genuine strength and presence that you embody
  • Experience an authentic confidence that you carry into your personal, professional, and romantic lives. 
  • Bonus: Receive live instruction from Andrew every Wednesday morning. A $5000 Value.
Purchase Now for $397
Purchase Now for 4 Payments of $100


Not quite ready? Read on for more...

The Secret to Inspiring Submission

If women are not submitting to you in your life, it’s because you are faking something. Women, especially submissive women, are bloodhounds for weaknesses and a lack of integrity.

It's not something they do consciously...they're looking out for their own safety. If you're weak, or if there is something that is out of congruence or integrity, you're not safe enough for her to let her guard down around.

She feels this. She knows it on a deeper level. You can only pretend until the energy of what you're covering up shines through. Then, she'll be on to you. 

You'll feel like she's nagging, or like she's being bitchy. But in reality, if you'll let yourself see it...she's just pointing out something that's true. 

And it sucks when she does it. Because she always knows just where to poke you. That place where it hurts the most. 

Feminine women submit to strong, solid men.

They do so naturally. Automatically. If you're not having this experience with women, it's not the women that are the problem. Some part of you is not as solid or strong as it can be.

This course won’t teach you a quick fix or how to pretend your way into women’s pants.

What it will do is teach you how to be a Dominant man inside and out so that you can exude Dominance in a way that’s real and authentic to you, and the man you are. The man you were BORN to be. 

The bad news and the good news? You will never finish. You will never be done. This isn’t a checklist that you can check off and get it over with. It’s not a game you can play to get something from someone else.

It’s a game you have to play for yourself.

You don't do this for her. You do it for YOU. You have to improve yourself to become the best that you can possibly be, then, look inside yourself to see where you can be even better.

The process of the 12 Steps to Dominance is a lifelong process through which you can organize your self development. It's the process I've followed and guided hundreds of men through. 

It's slow. It's confronting. It will bring you face to face with your pain, your weakness, and your deepest woundings. 

And every step along the way will take you deeper into an experience that you've always deserved...

True, honest, authentic confidence. 

Every single step along this way, will bring you one step closer to living a life that’s a led from the inside out, and every time you do that, the world around, you will react to you differently.

The world will show up differently when you show up differently. 

This is why most men’s personal growth work fails. It’s all focused on the external.

This conventional wisdom will tell men to go to the gym, dress better, make more money, and then women will fall into your lap. 

But when you focus on superficial, you only get the superficial. And that's why this external path always fails. Because even though it may attract women, it won't attract the kind of women you really want. 

If you want a woman to truly submit to you, mind, body, soul and spirit, then you need to be at your highest expression, mind, body, soul, and spirit.

You can be the best looking, richest, most well dressed man in the room, but if you're weak emotionally, you're done for as soon as she sees behind the curtain. 

But it is possible to heal yourself at such a deep level that you are solid. Powerful. Awake. Kind, with a gentleness that only a truly strong man can embody. 

That's the kind of man you deserve to be.

But you always had to EARN it.

That's the kind of man this course will show you how to become. 

But you have to want it for yourself, and commit to doing this work for real. If you are, Becoming a Dominant Man will show you how. 

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Download the free guide to the 12 Steps to Dominance here.